Please read all available information about market research reports carefully before placing your order.
Market reports offered by Emarketresearch Us are ideally in Electronic format, which ensures easy transfer/sharing and/or replication. Owing to
these possibilities, we follow a strict “No Refund” “No Cancellation” policy, thus making all purchases over the website final and binding by both parties.
In addition, as a result of the highly confidential nature of the information/data covered, analyzed, and contained in our research reports, cancellation
of orders cannot be accepted after the report has been delivered. However, we reserve the right to waive this policy in some instances, wherein a refund
can be availed, but retains sole discretion in this regard.
This may be due to queries posed by the client not being efficiently or satisfactorily resolved
by the analyst/s concerned with or allocated the project. Furthermore, we do maintain a refund policy in instances of multiple payments, but certain
conditions may apply, which can be discussed at the time of placing the request related in this instance. Post-purchase of any report, we do provide
support or resolution to queries/questions posed regarding the scope and relevance of a product you have received, and we can be reached through
the sales department and the same will be addressed/resolved at the earliest. We can be reached at
[email protected].